Forgiveness | Tuesday, January 28 | Day Two: Consecration Week 2025

January 27, 2025 5:06 AM
Forgiveness | Tuesday, January 28 | Day Two: Consecration Week 2025

Morning Meditation: Receiving Forgiveness 

Focus Scripture: 1 John 1:9 
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 

Begin your day by reflecting on God’s faithfulness to forgive when you confess your sins. Consider the weight of God’s grace and how it purifies you, allowing you to start fresh each day.  

Ask yourself: 

  • Is there anything I need to confess and bring before God today? 


Prayer Prompt: 

  • Pray for a heart open to acknowledging sin and receiving God’s forgiveness.  
  • Thank Him for His mercy and the gift of a clean slate through Jesus Christ.  


Your prayer could start with: “Jesus, help me to receive your forgiveness. I know it is undeserved, but by your grace, I’m forgiven through your shed blood on the cross. Please reveal the areas in my life where I harbor unforgiveness toward my family, friends, or church.” 


Throughout the day, be mindful of God’s grace and take time to confess those areas of your life he is uncovering. Remember that His forgiveness is always available. 

Evening Meditation: Extending Forgiveness 

Focus Scripture: Luke 23:34 
"Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.'” 


As the day ends, remember Jesus’ example of forgiveness, even in the face of betrayal and suffering. Consider how He forgave those who crucified Him, demonstrating the depth of God’s mercy and grace.  


Ask yourself:  

  • Am I holding onto anger or hurt that I need to release, as Christ did? 


Prayer Prompt: 

  • Ask God for the grace to forgive as Jesus forgave.  
  • Pray for the ability to release bitterness and extend mercy to those who may have wronged you, even if they are unaware of the harm they caused.  


Your prayer could start with: “Jesus, I thank you for your example of forgiveness. There are people in my life whom I’m struggling to forgive. Help me see them through the lens of the cross. More than anything, I want to be like you and forgive those who have disappointed, hurt, rejected, and abandoned me. Lord, help me to be an example to my family and the next generation of how to live a life of forgiveness.”  


Before bed, meditate on Christ’s forgiveness on the cross and let His example encourage you to offer forgiveness to others. If someone comes to mind, confess your unforgiveness and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in prayer for the person.